Monday, June 7, 2010

Bring it ON!

The BUSY race season has begun!! I am oh so excited for this sumer! This is what my SATURDAYS are going to look like for the next little while:


3 -10K
10-Family Reunion
24-Family Reunion

14-Distance Training Run
21-Distance Training Run

I am really REALLY looking forward to these races, for very different reasons. For example:

My first ever marathon is next Saturday with my girls. We have been doing all our long distance runs together and we're sticking together for this race! It is going to be an amazing feeling to cross that finish line together.

The following week is a 5K. I am running this one with a very dear friend of mine. She and I are kindred spirits and we're going to have such a good time running together! I love your guts Medusa!!

After that is my first half marathon. It is ALL about the scenery!! This race has been calling my name for such a long time and I seriously can not wait to run it. I am hoping to feel very much at peace during this run; I'm not going to push it. I'm JUST going to ENJOY the run!

Then the following Saturday {I've never ran more than two races in a row, four is definitely pushing it} is a 10K. I have high hopes for this race. I want to push myself hard and see what I'm capable of. The 10K is probably my favorite race. And I'm very much excited for this one!

I'll keep you posted; wish me luck!


Andrea Lee U.R. said...

You are amazing!!
That is all I have to say.
Just amazing!

(oh, and that I love you very much!)

Nike Trainer

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