Wednesday, June 2, 2010

10 For 10

Today is National Running Day. Are you going to run today? Tell me what your plans are!AND, it's my 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! Woah, did that ever go by fast! Hawkeye had an awesome idea for me to run 10 miles, one for every year of our marriage. But not only that, he suggested I think about each of those years during each of those miles! BRILLIANT! It was a great run and fun to think back on so many memories. Here are just a few I thought I'd share with ya'll:

1 ~ We started off with a beautiful wedding and outdoor reception. Our first apartment was TINY! I loved our long drives visiting family. Hawkeye bought me a piano for our first Christmas!!
2 ~ We decided to start a family. We traveled to Seattle to celebrate my Great Grandmother's 100th birthday {our baby girl would be named after her}. Hawkeye went surfing for the first time & got into kayaking. I started teaching piano lessons.
3 ~ Baby girl arrives! We move twice this year, the second was our first home! Find out we're expecting baby #2!
4 ~ Baby boy arrives! Hawkeye is laid off and starts snowboard rental business, takes time off of school to focus on employment. That was a hard year!
5 ~ Expecting baby #3! Hawkeye enrolls back in school, changes jobs.
6 ~ Baby boy #2 arrives. Start building new home.
7 ~ Move into new home. Hawkeye graduates from college. Hawkeye surprises me with a violin for Christmas!! Start lessons immediately!
8 ~ Expecting baby #4! Hawkeye and I travel to Hawaii for 10 days of pure heaven! Come home to big promotion at work. Baby boy #3 arrives!
9 ~ Make big lifestyle changes as a family, lots of exercise. Remember how much I love running and races... I'm hooked.
10 ~ Sell our home. First big family vacation: San Diego and Disneyland! Accepted into the US Army's officer training program. Long weekend get-away to favorite ski resort, celebrating our engagement!

Obviously there are a million more memories from these last 10 years. We have had some difficult times and we've had some out of this world moments. We have worked hard and have seen so many of our dreams come true. This run was such a fun thing and I'm thinking I just might have to make it a tradition!

I love you Hawkeye! Forever & Ever babe!


Paxton said...

what an AMAZING life you have led for the last 10 years! congratulations on hitting such a huge and cool milestone! :-)

Nike Trainer

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