Friday, July 3, 2009


I LOVE tomatoes. Especially ones fresh out of the garden. And they are OH SO GOOD for you!! How good you ask? * The tomato is actually a fruit.
* Tomatoes have a very high LYCOPENE content. Lycopene is a vital anti-oxidant that fights many health complications and diseases including HIGH CHOLESTEROL, HEART DISEASE & CANCER!! Lycopene is NOT naturally produced in the body. No other fruit or vegetable has such a high concentration as to tomato! Studies have shown that men who consume 10 servings a week lower their risk of prostate cancer by 45 percent! Just 7 servings a week will lower your risk of rectal colon cancer and other stomach cancers by 60%!!
* When tomatoes are processed the levels of lycopene INCREASE! Which means that canned tomatoes, spaghetti sauces, ketchup... and other processed tomatoes are EVEN BETTER!!!
*Some claim that the tomato is the healthiest of the fruits and vegetables.

1 cup of Cherry Tomatoes contain
Calories - 26.8
Carbohydrates - 5.8g
Protein - 1.6g
Fat - .3g
Vitamin C - 32%
Vitamin A - 25%
Vitamin E -4%
Vitamin K - 15%
Potassium - 10%
Vitamin B6 -6%
Folate - 6%
Manganese - 8%
Iron - 7% for Women 10% for Men

Besides eating them NAKED {the tomato, not me}. I love them:
* sliced with sliced mozzarella, topped with a little olive oil and fresh herbs.
* homemade salsa, mmm my favorite {I'll have to post recipes}
* grilled {on kebabs}
* on sandwiches and salads
* roasted with other vegetables {my favorite recipe will follow}

Eat more tomatoes!!! Your body will thank you for it!!


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