Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kayaking Rocks!

This past weekend my family went camping on the river. It's always an awesome week full of play: wakeboarding & surfing, jet skiing, swimming, fishing, canoeing and kayaking. As I was out on the kayak one morning, I was thinking about the many awesome benefits of said sport. So I thought I'd once again, do a little research and post it for ya'lls benefit.Some of the things that I thought of were:
* It's super FUN!!
* It's RELAXING & STRESS REDUCING!! There is something about being out on the water, soaking in the sun & scenery. It's super THERAPEUTIC!! I love going out early in the morning or later in the afternoon {when it's NOT sweltering}. I love looking for pelicans, fish and other wildlife. I love the smell of the water. It's fabulous!!
* It's great to do with a group of family &/or friends OR all by your lonesome
* It's a great WORKOUT!! You will work every muscle in your upper body and some of your lower body muscles as well. At 3 mph, in one hours time, you will do about 1500 low impact repetitions. At 5 mph {give or take 500 strokes per mile} you will burn 400 calories in 1 hour!

On a personal note: I rotated every day with running and kayaking {high impact vs. low impact}. On top of those workouts I got in plenty of wakeboarding, surfing and kneeboarding. I love enjoying the great outdoors!!!


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