Monday, May 4, 2009

Feelin Fabulous!

I have been feeling GREAT lately!! And yesterday I got a lot of compliments; which makes me feel all the more fantastic!

First of all, I chopped 12" off my hair! It's been 4 years since I had hair this short. I really enjoyed the long lovely locks but it's always fun to change things up a bit!! I'll probably start growing it out again in a few years.

Here is BEFORE:

And AFTER:Pretty HOT huh?!

And SECOND, people are NOTICING my fitness & nutrition efforts!! Which makes me want to keep working HARD and stay COMMITTED to my goals! Man this feels GOOD!!!


Kim said...

You are looking great! Keep up the good work. :)

Travis said...

Totally Hot! I would take you out on a date. When are you free?

Nike Trainer

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