Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mango Salsa

You're going to LOVE ♥ LOVE this!! I must give FULL credit to my cousin's husband, Chhenglim who made it for us about 2 years ago. It is SO GOOD!!! {kinda spendy if ingredients are out of season so watch for a good sale} Oh and I do EVERYTHING "to taste" so feel free to tweak it to suit you, I'm going to guess on most measurements since I don't measure ANY of it!!


4-6 ripe mangos
4-6 ripe avacados
8-12 tomatoes {depending on their size you may need more}
1-2 red onions
2-3 cloves garlic
6 limes
1-2 bunches cilantro
salt {to taste}

Chop tomatoes & add to a BIG bowl. Then skin & cut mangoes {if you haven't cut a mango before there is a HUGE seed inside that doesn't just come out. You have to cut the meat off the seed}. Finely chop onion and add to mixture. Crush garlic & add. Roll limes on counter to soften, cut in half & squeeze juice into bowl as well. Chop the cilantro and add it to the mixture. Stir. Cut avacados & add {I add them last so that they aren't completely obliterated when stirred in}. Now comes the fun part... TASTE it!!! Add salt & lime juice as needed.

This stuff is easily my favorite homemade salsa {and we LOVE homemade salsa}. Who needs tortilla chips, just a bowl and a spoon suite me JUST FINE!! This would be FANTASTIC on a salad {rather than dressing} too. Give it a try, you will be AMAZED!!!


We have ALL heard that it's important to drink LOTS of water {eight 8oz glasses MINIMUM to be specific}! Well I thought I'd go do some research to find just how important it is!! I found this article by Zach Van Hart on SparkPeople that had these points {check out the link for the article itself}:

* Water makes up 50%-60% of our bodies, it regulates body temperature, helps our breathing, transports nutrients, carries away waste and helps our muscles function!!

* Water is one of the most neglected parts of our diet. Some of us possibly go an entire day at times without one glass! Every part of your body is dependent on and comprised of water, and the most important parts need even more. Your brain is made up of 75% water, your blood 82% and your lungs nearly 90%.

* Water also helps to reduce weight. The more hydrated you are, the quicker your metabolism works. When you are dehydrated – even before you start becoming thirsty – your liver has to help the kidneys function and can’t metabolize fat as quickly. Your metabolism slows down, causing some unwanted fat to remain.

* If your body is used to not getting water, it actually stores more in ankles, hips and thighs. In other words, it doesn’t trust you to keep bringing water, so it keeps what it can get, like a thirsty cactus. Once it realizes the water will keep coming, your body will get rid of the stores and you’ll lose weight

* If you’re suffering from cravings or having trouble controlling hunger, drinking water is a quick, healthy way to feel full. Drink a glass when you normally snack, and have one before your meal and right before going out.

* Staying hydrated is not restricted to drinking water; milk, juice and other liquids – even some fruits and vegetables – are good sources of water. But avoid caffeinated beverages (coffee, soda), as they actually cause you to lose fluids and become dehydrated.

*Here are just a few ways to get more water every day:
  • Find the water bottles with pop tops. They’re easier to carry around and use than twist off caps.
  • Keep a water bottle in the car.
  • Take a water break instead of a smoke break at work.
  • Set a rule with your water glass: once it’s empty, it gets filled back up right away.
  • Drink orange juice or eat fruit in the morning.
  • Get two water bottles, one for work and one for home. Fill up one every day when you leave to go home, and fill up the other before you go to bed each night.
  • Order water at restaurants instead of soda. Even if you have something else to drink, have water too.
  • Weekends are the toughest, so be aware of your water and fluid intake throughout Saturday and Sunday. Keep more than one water bottle in the fridge so you always have a cold one.
  • Follow the example of a SparkPeople member: this woman put a water glass on her windowsill with 8 pennies on one side. Each time she filled up her glass and drank it, she moved a penny to the other side, until all the pennies were moved. Great reminder system!

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Birthday Card!

This is one of my birthday cards {from my husband's parents} and it has had me LAUGHING all day! The inside says "It's your birthday - do what makes you HAPPY!"

Today is a great day! I got entirely spoiled, I've had so may friends send many happy wishes in my direction. I've been on the phone ALL day! I get to have a family BBQ tonight {ribs, burgers, salads and my fresh MANGO salsa.... mmm I can't wait}! I will definitely be doing things that make me HAPPY!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mason Twist

I LOVE LOVE these!!! MASON TWISTS are HARD!! But they are probably my favorite AB exercise. It's the last exercise on the P90X Ab Ripper and by that point your abs are on FIRE!!! I do 50 {touching the ground 50 times on each side}! Can be done with a medicine ball or just clasping hands into a fist. Be sure to lean back to where your abs are ENGAGED!! The video is OK; she does hers slower than I've seen & done them. I like to twist as fast as possible {with good form of course}. I LOVE these though!!

Wall Sit

This little exercise ROCKS!! What I LOVE about the WALL SIT is that you can MULTI-TASK!! Set a timer for 2...5...10... {start low so you can build stamina and enjoy the success of holding it for that long} minutes and grab a BOOK or switch on the TV and ENJOY the ride!! OK so "enjoy" might be used a bit liberally {for some} here but I like to be POSITIVE.

Not HARD enough for you? Try putting an exercise ball between your back and the wall. Or you can hold a small weight {maybe 2-5lbs} in each hand and hold arms strait out in front of you. OR if you're REALLY looking for some BURN, try this one:

Now THAT is TOUGH!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Workout Buddies

I have realized that one of my best tricks to making sure that I get my workout done is having someone to do one with! I NEVER miss my Tuesday & Thursday turbo jam workouts {okay I've missed once and I'll miss tomorrow but it's a rarity}. But I've got friends there!

Last night I went on a run/speed walk with a couple friends. It was GREAT! We went about 3 miles. My legs are pretty short so I found myself having to really lengthen my stride while speed walking to keep up. We're planning on getting out together more often. I can't wait!

So if you're having a hard time with actually getting out there and doing a workout... find a buddy. It helps to have someone to motivate you AND having someone waiting for you really gives you a kick in the PANTS! So here's to GOOD friends & GOOD workouts!!

Friday, May 8, 2009


We ♥ LOVE ♥ breakfast at our house. We NEVER buy cold cereal. I thought I would share some of my favorite toppings for breakfast foods:

Pancakes, Waffles or French Toast is FABULOUS topped with vanilla yogurt and sliced fresh fruit. But you could EASILY use ANY flavor yogurt and frozen fruit. Trust me... WAY better than syrup!

Oatmeal is WONDERFUL!! We buy BIG bags of oatmeal and keep it in a 5 gallon bucket in the pantry! It's GREAT topped with any combination yogurt & fruit too. If we want a real treat sometimes we'll put in a little scoop of vanilla ice cream. Or one of our favorites is pecans, coconut and a few chocolate chips {German Chocoalte Oatmeal}! YUMMY!

And while I'm on the subject of topping foods. Try topping your SALAD with salsa instead of dressing; it's SUPER good too!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wish List

Today I was looking on for a few things. Specifically a book, WINGS, by my friend Aprilynne Pike; just released on Tuesday... which my husband actually bought for me for Mother's Day and lo & behold it arrived TODAY!! Good thing I didn't buy it eh?! But YOU should!!!So I'm looking around a bit and I somehow wander onto THESE and I am wanting them ALL!!

First there is Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. Looks FABULOUS! And who doesn't LOVE Jillian Michaels? I that this has nutrition helps too... food substitutions, cooking tips, healthy snacks and tips for dining out! Bob Greene, Oprah's good buddy, went the extra mile on this one. It includes a resistance band.There are things that I LOVE about my wiiFit. But I need to change things up. Muscle confusion right?! My birthday is in about 2 weeks so you can purchase any or all of the above and mail them to.....

Kidding. Sortof...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Feelin Fabulous!

I have been feeling GREAT lately!! And yesterday I got a lot of compliments; which makes me feel all the more fantastic!

First of all, I chopped 12" off my hair! It's been 4 years since I had hair this short. I really enjoyed the long lovely locks but it's always fun to change things up a bit!! I'll probably start growing it out again in a few years.

Here is BEFORE:

And AFTER:Pretty HOT huh?!

And SECOND, people are NOTICING my fitness & nutrition efforts!! Which makes me want to keep working HARD and stay COMMITTED to my goals! Man this feels GOOD!!!

Nike Trainer

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