Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Workout from K-Lo

Here's another kick butt workout from my friend K-Lo! Meeting up with her again tomorrow, pretty sure I'm in for another butt kickin!

*3 miles @ 10:20 pace 1% incline

Core 2 minutes each 20-25 second work w/ 5-10 second recovery
*crunch machine
*oblique twist machine
*ball twists
*crunches on ball

*side lunges w/ 10lbs. dumbbells
10 left leg
*squat w/ shoulder press 10lbs. dumbbells
10 times
*side lunges w/ 10lbs. dumbbells
10 right leg
*squat w/ shoulder press 10lbs. dumbbells
10 times
Repeat 3x

*Lateral shoulder raise 10lbs. dumbbells
(sitting on the bench leaning forwards)
*chest press w/ 15 lbs. dumbbells
Super Set 4x10

*Tricep kick back 10 lbs.
*Lawn mower 20 lbs.
Super Set 3x10 (each side)
*bicep curls 10 lbs. dumbells


Nike Trainer

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