Friday, May 21, 2010

Cherry Cherry

Cherries. Mmm. Where to begin! I LOVE cherries! Fresh cherries especially. Commence salivation!!
I found an AWESOME website. I love when that happens!! This one is You should go check it out. There is a bunch of information on there as well as yummy recipes! You can even connect with them on Facebook; technology... crazy!

Here are some cool things about cherries:
*Known to some as America's Super Fruit.
*More 80 MILLION Americans are living with some form of heart disease! RED foods contain anthocyanins; heart heath benefits related to reducing inflammation, total cholesterol, and belly fat. So eat RED!
*Their pretty red color comes from a powerful punch of antioxidants! They are one of THEE best sources of antioxidants {along with cranberries, blueberries and blackberries}. They have a great section specifically on these antioxidants. Worth the read.
*Many studies have shown that cherries lower uric acid levels, high levels of uric acid contribute to arthritis, inflammation and the onset & progression of gout.
*Cherries are HUGE in Pain/Recovery. Check out this section for sure!! Runners who drank cherry juice 2x a day for 7 days before as well as the day of a long run had significantly less muscles pain following their races as those who drank other juice. Again, because of those blessed anthocyanins!! Guess what I am going to start doing?!!! YEP!! Cherry Juice!
*Cherries are one of the few known food sources of melatonin; your body produces melatonin naturally, it's what regulates sleep patterns.

Sounds like a great food to either add to or increase in our diets eh?!!Another added bonus to these beauties are their blossoms! I LOVE LOVE LOVE cherry blossoms!
And... who doesn't love Neil Diamond's Cherry Cherry?!!!


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