Thursday, February 11, 2010

THE Marathon

Lets go back to the year 490 BC. Northeast of Athens, Greece you'll find the Plains of Marathon. The Athenians were fighting the Persians. When Athens' victory was certain, the Athenian General, Miltiades, sent out a messenger, Pheidippides. As the story goes, Pheidippides ran about 24 miles to Athens to tell it's citizens the good news; upon his arrival he was able to eek out the word "Victory" just before he collapsed and died. And the 26.2 mile {42.195 kilometers} was born. Now isn't THAT motivating?!!

My mom got me a book called "How to Train For and Run Your Best Marathon". I am SO SO excited. I am going to be pouring myself into this book over the next little bit so I'll be sure to share any insight I get. To start off I wanted to share Gordon Bakoulis Bloch's 26.2 reasons to run a marathon!

* Run a marathon to have FUN.
* Run a marathon to give yourself a CHALLENGE.
* Run a marathon to improve your HEALTH.
* Run a marathon to get to know YOURSELF better.
* Run a marathon to raise your SELF-ESTEEM.
* Run a marathon to meet people and make FRIENDS.
* Run a marathon to be an INSPIRATION to others.
* Run a marathon to see the WORLD.
* Run a marathon to make BUSINESS contacts.
* Run a marathon so you can EAT more.
* Run a marathon to get back to NATURE.
* Run a marathon to spend more time with your DOG.
* Run a marathon to SLEEP better.
* Run a marathon to get over a DISAPPOINTMENT.
* Run a marathon to get to know your city or TOWN.
* Run a marathon to expand your WARDROBE.
* Run a marathon to control your weight HEALTHILY.
* Run a marathon to reduce your STRESS levels.
* Run a marathon to learn how to practice VISUALIZATION.
* Run a marathon to LIVE longer.
* Run a marathon to catch up on the news, READING, and listening to music.
* Run a marathon to get SMARTER
* Run a marathon to help save the EARTH.
* Run a marathon to channel your COMPULSIVENESS.
* Run a marathon to be a part of an ongoing REVOLUTION.
* Run a marathon to fulfill a DREAM.

I'm going to add MY reasons for running a marathon &/or other races {some are the same}.
* I FEEL better when I exercise, mentally & physically; running is my favorite form of exercise.
* I wanted to do something BIG with Hawkeye before he left for Boot Camp.
* I wanted something to help the time pass while Hawkeye is gone.
* I wanted to keep myself motivated to be SMOKIN HOT when he gets back.
* I want to be part of something BIGGER
* But it really all comes down to... BRAGGING RIGHTS... and the T-SHIRT! {I'm teasing}

What are your reasons?


Kim said...

I completely agree with all those reasons other than spending more time with my dog. But Bragging rights is right at top of my list too. J/K :)

Nike Trainer

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