Friday, January 1, 2010

Brand New Year

I went back home a couple days ago to help my sister clean her room and teach her a piano & violin lesson. I came prepared with my running shoes and my snow shoes! I DIDN'T come prepared with a pack & play crib for the baby {yes, I still call him "baby" even though he's 15 months old}. That was a BIG mistake!!! He slept terribly and therefore I didn't sleep AT ALL!! I didn't let that get in the way of my workout though!! I borrowed my sister's under armor and I headed out the door for a beautiful winter run.

It had snowed A LOT the day and night before and I chose a run that was out in the sticks. 5 miles out & back with only a few homes breaking up the view of fields, trees and mountains. It was gorgeous. It was AWESOME!!! It was one of those runs that bring me peace. It was the PERFECT way to end 2009.

While I was running I thought about all the things I've accomplished this year, especially concerning my health. I was pretty proud of myself! I got rid of those baby pounds {20 pounds or so}. I ran in a number of races. I eat better and sleep better. My self esteem is higher & my energy level is higher. I look better but most importantly I FEEL better! I have succeeded in accomplishing some of my goals and it's only looking better from here!!

I am not a HUGE fan of New Year Resolutions. I feel like people all too often set goals too high and set themselves up for failure. I'm more for setting smaller goals more often. However, I am going to set a few goals for a more healthy self, and hopefully I don't become one of "those" people!

*Run a marathon {I have my eyes set on two, hopefully we can find babysitters}
*Keep my weight in my healthy range
*Surround myself with positive and kind people
*Cut out soda {though I will allow for RARE indulgence}
*Go to bed early and wake up early

Thank you for your support and encouragement. I hope that you too are finding success and that you're making the choices TODAY to live a HEALTHY life! Bring on another year!!!!


Nike Trainer

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