Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bring It... Yet Again!

I was driving home last night from my Granny & Gramps' house {Granny had a pacemaker put in her heart last week, so I was checking on her}. A funny thing happened in the car. I was on the dry farms when I turned on the radio {to COUNTRY of course}. Ya know how the song title and artist will scroll across the "screen"?! Well mine just said "BRING IT". It didn't change {though the song did probably 4 times}! So I had my 7 year old watch it so that I could focus on driving {we had already nearly hit 2 deer... tis the season}. It didn't change at all for over 10 MINTUES!!! Guess I'm supposed to BRING IT this week eh?!


nikib4kids said...

LOL! I guess if that's not a sign, I don't know what is! You'd better BRING IT! this week!

Nike Trainer

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