Friday, March 6, 2009

Eat Better America

I love this website: I got a ring from them about a year ago that is AWESOME! It's light blue plastic {kinda like the livestrong bracelets} and says Eat Better. It came with a list of things that we should remember.


* to eat something green every day.

*that grasshopper pie doesn't count.

*that health club memberships are more valuable than clean plate memberships

* that carrots are good for your eyesight

* that whole grains are a whole lot better

* that elevators are optional

* that size doesn't matter, unless you're talking about portions

* that good habits can be as hard to break as bad ones

* that it's humanly possible to only eat one piece of pizza

* that if you're fifty, you might only be halfway there

* that eating better meals today, means eating more meals down the road

* to eat better America


Nike Trainer

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