Monday, February 2, 2009

Junk Food

So yesterday was the "Big Game". You should know up front that I am NOT a sports fanatic. Not entirely true; I LOVE sports and have been known to have a competative streak {runs in my genes}. The sports I enjoy watching though are on a more "local" level; where I actually know &/or am related to the players. And I do not KNOW nor am I RELATED to any pro athletes. But that is beside the point!

We had our {what has become} anual Superbowl party with my in-laws. We had SO MUCH food!!! Dad-in-law made ribs & bbq chicken. We made fresh egg rolls & wontons. Plus all the chips and dip, cookies and other goodies!!! We even had stuff to make KILLER nachos but it was just MORE than we could handle!!

Considering all that I COULD HAVE over indulged in, I think I did pretty good. I had a couple egg rolls, a couple wontons and a chicken leg. What I'm more worried about is the potato chips, soda, gummy bears and cookies! {Sigh} All things in moderation!!

I am yet to do my workout for the day. I have to admit that I'm nervous to do my body test!! I am definately going to have to do a big workout day. I'm quite looking forward to it actually. After taking a day off I'm ready to go again!!!


Nike Trainer

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